Dead End, 2020, Vintage Mink and Acrylic, MoMa, 7th Avenue Subway, Studio, 30”x70”

Have You Seen This Girl, Central Park, 2020, 120mm film, 24”x40”

PREY, 2016, Vintage Mink and Acrylic, 20”x30”

Over Exposed, 2019, Vintage Mink and Acrylic, 20”x30”

YOU ARE NOT FOLLOWING ME, 2018, Vintage Mink and Acrylic, 20”x30 (left)

CORRUPTION WALKS IN DISGUISE, 2017, Vintage Mink and Acrylic, 20”x30” (right)


Installation View, New York, 2019

Predators and Prey, 2016-2021, multidisciplinary, vintage fur coats and acrylic

A controversial item, the fur coat in contemporary society remains timeless. Historically representative of social status and wealth, now vintage-sourced and repurposed (though some have claimed I’ve ‘destroyed’ them). In my exploration of the animalistic, vicious side of humans combined with my daily experience living in urban areas the coats spawn social conflicts and disputes whenever they’re in public. Individuals either feel disgusted or exhilarated, angry or elated. They contain outward messages full of rage and expose truths, but also are utilized as a protective shield, my second skin.

However, as I cover my body with the animals that have been hunted by man, I am confronted with a confounding thought: 

Am I the hunter, or the hunted?

PREY, 2018, performance at Pen + Brush, 90 minutes

The act of hunting, or being hunted - which one I am and which you are. How these feelings and characters are continually in flux. For one hour, I walked around the gallery, on the prowl, following men to the bathrooms, handing people unnerving notes, “i have been following you all day” “i know where you live” as well as aggressively photographing viewers with a disposable camera, flash on. For the remaining time, I morphed into prey, handing people notes desperately such as “no one in here will do anything” “get me out of here.” When someone is in trouble, who is it that helps? The remaining moments consisted of me lying on the gallery floor, dead. And at other times, rapidly writing the names of unknown and openly known victims and predators around the globe.