AM PM EST (clip)
AM PM EST, performance video, 2018, 4 minutes and 35 seconds,
A perpetual rotation of paranoia, an invasion of one's being. This internal agony is not only inevitable but involuntary. AM PM EST is a performance video that confronts notions of power and abduction. The video series is non-linear, created with a variation of different outcomes from multiple points of view; a reflection of hunt versus hunted / vise versa. It projects around the clock anxiety, staged mental delusions with the perception of always being watched, hiding under the unwanted gaze of other people.
How many times have you looked over your shoulder today?
Installation View, AM PM EST
Brown Hair, Brown Eyes (clip)
Brown Hair, Brown Eyes, performance, 2019, 80 minutes
Monsters do not hide under your bed or in your closet. They aren't bleeding out of their eyeballs and drooling out of their mouths. Everyday we let strangers into our apartment, hop in cars, send our kids to summer camp etc. A nonlinear performance, Brown Hair, Brown Eyes is a psychological sequence of scenes that speak about predation, violence, the bought and sold, and the everyday female experience. Using two free standing doors as representation of a space - dangerous or not. As well as symbolic of a shift in identity / persona. Some scenes played multiple times, with different outcomes. Some scenes nothing happened at all. Audience members were recognized and at other times disregarded.
In times of desperation who are the onlookers who help and who chooses to ignore?
Instructions for Commuters
Instructions for Commuters (Clip), performance video, 2019, 3 minutes and 30 seconds
Instructions for Commuters is a sequence of directions for commuters that I have visualized in response to the ever present fear of being abducted by a cab driver. Everyday we step into cars with the expectation of being brought to our desired destination, alive. We relinquish control and trust complete strangers based on the generalized idea that people are what they appear to be.
Who are you?
Installation View, Instructions for Commuters